is like walking day by day, without knowing whats gonna be at the end of the road.
sounds very cool, until u face the real world in front of u.
worse, u cant run or hide.
makes u realize, u arent 10 years old anymore.
teaches u how to cook, wash, and sew.
sometimes it pushes u so hard, u think u couldnt even take a single breath.
takes away ur precious weekend because u have to work.
gives u chance to smell the wind and feel the grass under ur feet in a different way.
provides u as much freedom as u wish.
reminds u about something called self responsibility.
punches u in the face with the worst and most painfull experiences.
cheers u up with tons of opportunities and interesting stories.
builts up ur confidence and self esteem.
might be the golden years in ur whole life.
i just cant find another way to describe this thing.